2.2 Point to Point Communication

The fundamental basis of coordination between independent processes is point-to-point communication between processes through the communication links in the MPI.COMM_WORLD. The form of communication is called message passing, where one process sends data to another one, who in turn must receive it from the sender. This is illustrated as follows:


Point-to-point communication is a way that pair of processors transmits the data between one another, one processor sending, and the other receiving. MPI provides Send() and Receive() functions that allow point-to-point communication taking place in a communicator. For general Python objects, use the lowercase send() and receive() functions instead.

Send(message, destination, tag)

  - message:  numpy array containing the message
  - destination:  rank of the receiving process
  - tag:    message tag is a way to identify the type of a message (optional)

Recv(message, source, tag)
  - message: numpy array containing the message
  - source: rank of the sending process
  - tag: message tag is a way to identify the type of a message


The send() and recv() functions have identical form, except that the message parameter could be a standard Python type (e.g. int, string, float etc.). Be sure to use the uppercase form and numpy arrays whenever dealing with list-like data!

Send and Receive Hello World

from mpi4py import MPI

def main():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    id = comm.Get_rank()
    numProcesses = comm.Get_size()

    if id == 0:
        hello_message = "Hello from master node!"
        print("Process {0} (master) sending messages to workers: {1}".format(\
              id, hello_message))
        for i in range(1,numProcesses): #send to each worker process
            comm.send(hello_message, dest=i)
        my_message = comm.recv(source=0)
        print("Process {0} (worker) received message from master: {1}".format(\
              id, my_message))

########## Run the main function

This MPI program illustrates the use of send() and recv() functions. Notice that we use the lowercase version of the Send/Receive functions due to the fact that the message being sent is of type String.

The above program can be run using the following command:

python run.py ./sendReceive.py 4

Integration - First Attempt

The code listing below illustrates how the integration example could be implemented with point-to-point communication:

from mpi4py import MPI
import math

n = 1048576 #number of trapezoids = 2**20

def f(x):
    return math.sin(x)

def trapSum(my_a, my_b, my_n, h):
    total = (f(my_a) + f(my_b))/2.0 #initial value
    for i in range(1, my_n): #for each trapezoid
        total += f(my_a+i*h)
    return total*h

def main():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    id = comm.Get_rank()
    numProcesses = comm.Get_size()
    #desired range    
    a, b = 0, math.pi

    #all processes: compute local variables
    local_n  = n/numProcesses #num trapezoids per process
    start  = id*local_n #starting trapeziod
    end = (id+1)*local_n #ending trapezoid
    if id == numProcesses-1: #in case processors don't divide things evenly
        end = n
    h = (b-a)/n #width of trapezoid (scaling factor)

    #all processes: calculate local sum
    my_sum = trapSum(start, end, local_n, h)

    if id != 0: #if a worker process       
        comm.send(my_sum, dest=0) #send master the sum

    else: #master process
        results = [0.0]*numProcesses #generate master list to hold results 
        results[0] = my_sum #places master's local sum in first element

        for i in range(1,numProcesses):
            other_sum = comm.recv(source=i) #get local sums from other processes
            results[i] = other_sum #place in result array

        print("Done receiving all messages")
        print("Final sum is {0}".format(sum(results)))

########## Run the main function

The trapSum() function computes and sums up a set of n trapezoids with a particular range. The first part of the main() function follows the SPMD pattern. Each process computes its local range of trapezoids and calls the trapSum() function to compute its local sum.

The latter part of the main() function follows the master-worker pattern. Each worker process sends its local sum to the master process. The master process generates a global array (called results), receives the local sum from each worker process, and stores the local sums in the results array. A final call to the sum() functon adds all the local sums together to produce the final result.

In later sections, we will see how to improve this example with other communication constructs. For now, ensure that you are comfortable with the workings of this program. You can execute it with the command:

python run.py ./integration.py 4

(multiple choice about why master worker pattern must be used, and why results cannot be shared)

Exercise - Populate an Array

As an exercise, let’s use point-to-point communication to populate an array in parallel. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Each process computes its local range of values, and then calls a function that generates an array of just those values.

  • Each worker process sends its array to the master process.

  • The master process generates a master array of the desired length, receives the local array from workers, and then populates the master array with the elements of the local arrays received.

The following program is a partially filled in solution, with the algorithm shown in comments.

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np 

#array size
N = 2000000

def populateArray(rank, nprocs):

    #declare local variables:
    nElems = #number of elemes to generate
    start =  #starting element
    end =  #end element
    length = #length of array to generate

    #generate empty array
    local_array = np.empty(length)

    #fill with desired values (start+1..end+1)
    for i in range(length):
        local_array[i] = #value at index i

    return local_array

def main():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    myId = comm.Get_rank()
    numProcesses = comm.Get_size()

    #SPMD pattern 
    local = populateArray(myId, numProcesses) #generate a local array 

    #master-worker pattern/send-receive
    if (myId != 0):    
        #send local array to master 

        #initialize global array, and fill with master's elements
        global_array = np.empty(N)

        #copy master's local array to 
        for i in range(len(local)):
            global_array[i] = local[i]

        #receive local arrays from each worker, 
        #and merge into global_array

        #solution check:  the two sums should be equal
        total = sum(global_array)

########## Run the main function

Fill in the rest of the program, save as tryPopulateArray.py and test your program using the following commands:

python run.py ./tryPopulateArray.py 1
python run.py ./tryPopulateArray.py 2
python run.py ./tryPopulateArray.py 4

Remember, in order for a parallel program to be correct, it should return the same value with every run, and regardless of the number of processes chosen. Click the button below to see the solution.

Ring of passed messages

Another pattern that appears in message passing programs is to use a ring of processes: messages get sent in this fashion:


When we have 4 processes, the idea is that process 0 will send data to process 1, who will receive it from process 0 and then send it to process 2, who will receive it from process 1 and then send it to process 3, who will receive it from process 2 and then send it back around to process 0.

Program file: 07messagePassing5.py

from mpi4py import MPI

def main():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    id = comm.Get_rank()            #number of the process running the code
    numProcesses = comm.Get_size()  #total number of processes running
    myHostName = MPI.Get_processor_name()  #machine name running the code

    if numProcesses > 1 :

        if id == 0:        # master
            #generate a list with master id in it
            sendList = [id]
            # send to the first worker
            comm.send(sendList, dest=id+1)
            print("Master Process {} of {} on {} sent {}"\
            .format(id, numProcesses, myHostName, sendList))
            # receive from the last worker
            receivedList = comm.recv(source=numProcesses-1)
            print("Master Process {} of {} on {} received {}"\
            .format(id, numProcesses, myHostName, receivedList))
        else :
            # worker: receive from any source
            receivedList = comm.recv(source=id-1)
            # add this worker's id to the list and send along to next worker,
            # or send to the master if the last worker
            sendList = receivedList + [id]
            comm.send(sendList, dest=(id+1) % numProcesses)

            print("Worker Process {} of {} on {} received {} and sent {}"\
            .format(id, numProcesses, myHostName, receivedList, sendList))

    else :
        print("Please run this program with the number of processes \
greater than 1")

########## Run the main function


Run the above program varying the number of processes for N = 1 through 8/

python run.py ./07messagePassing3.py N

Compare the results from running the example to the code above. Make sure that you can trace how the code generates the output that you see.


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